
Political Science - Chapter 2
Types or Classification of Government

Who first classified governments?
Ans: Plato
What is the most popular government today?
Ans: Democracy
Who is the head in a Parliamentary government?
Ans: Prime Minister
Which country has a Presidential government?
Ans: USA
Which country has a unitary government?
Ans: Bangladesh
Which is not a republic?
Ans: England
In which form do two governments work together?
Ans: Federal
What is a government called when ruled by many people?
Ans: Democracy
Which country has limited democracy?
Ans: England
Whose classification of government is most appropriate?
Ans: Leecock
How many types of government did Leecock classify?
Ans: Two
Who is the source of power in democracy?
Ans: People
Which country first introduced democracy?
Ans: Athens
Where can city-states be seen?
Ans: Switzerland
Where could direct democracy be seen?
Ans: Greece